Case histories and x-rays for the 2005 Monterey Conference

Case 3:

    hx: A 25 year old man with paraparesis, found to have a destructive lesion of the T8 vertebral body.





Case 4:

hx: In 1998, at age 9, this girl developed left tibial pain and was found to have a proximal tibial mass which was curetted. The patient is now 15 and the lesion has recurred. It involves the cortex with extension into the medullary cavity and into the adjacent soft tissue.

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Case 7

Hx: 46 year old woman with a seven year history of a mass over the dorsum of her right hand, in the region of the third metacarpal head.

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Case 8:

Hx: A 37 year old man presented with pain in the right thigh and knee for four months. He tripped and fell and developed hemarthrosis.