SBPS Spring Meeting Cases

Note: The images for the 2008 Spring Meeting cases are available in two ways:

Static images are available on this website: click on the case number below to go to the images.

Virtual slides, which allow you to change the field and magnification, are on Scanscope: Once on the Scanscope website, click on the SBPS folder, and then click on 2008.

Histories are below:

Case #1

Discussant: Dr. Wick
41 year old man with a 3 cm blue-red patch in the skin of the arm.

Case #2

Discussant: Dr. Wick
32 year old woman with a 1 cm red-blue plaque in the skin of the face, present for at least 10 years.

Case #3

Discussant: Dr. Wick
81 year old man with a 2 cm red nodule in the skin of the face.

Case #4

Discussant: Dr. Wick
41 year old woman with a 9 mm nodule in the skin of the leftforearm, present for years.

Case #5

Discussant: Dr. Wick
78 year old man with a 4 cm tan-pink nodule in the skin of the scalp, enlarging for the past year.

Case #6

Discussant: Dr. Wick
51 year old man with an enlarging 1.5 cm plaque in the skin of the left shoulder.

Case #7

Discussant: Dr. Wick
62 year old woman with a 2 cm tan-pink nodule in the skin of the right flank, present for 2 months.

Case #8

Discussant: Dr. Wick
32 year old woman with a 7 mm nodule in the facial skin, present for years.

Case #9

Discussant: Dr. Wick
38 year old woman with a 2 cm nodule in the skin of the right shin, slowly enlarging for 2 years.

Case #10

Discussant: Dr. Wick
62 year old woman with a 1 cm tan-pink plaque in the left paranasal skin.

Case #11

Discussant: Dr. Binder
78 year old man with crusty crater-like lesion, forehead, present for 6 months.

Case #12

Discussant: Dr. Binder
43 year old woman with a 6 mm irregular black-brown macule, left thigh.

Case #13

Discussant: Dr. Binder
69 year old with a 7 mm flesh-colored plaque, right cheek.

Case #14

Discussant: Dr. Binder
32 year old man with a 6 mm brown-tan itchy papule on the upper back.

Case #15

Discussant: Dr. Binder
84 year old woman with a 10 mm brown-tan macule, left temple, present for many years, increasing in size lately.